Rochester Ice Arena Testimonial

Our facility was built in 1974 – a single sheet ice arena primarily used from Sept. thru April for ice skating. The city of Rochester purchased the rink 1990 and has owned it since, the 40 year old floor, dasher boards, and glass were due for replacement. We spent a year working bids for the floor replacement, Preferred Mechanical Services was the lowest bid on the project and we had a great relationship with them from when they installed our new ice3 Cube Refrigeration System. John Meade’s ability to come visit in order to help us visualize the process and lay out a specific timeline from start to finish was huge in dealing with this scope of work, making this daunting project seem easy. Our growth is based on the user groups that rent the facility. Keeping the cost down helps keep the programs viable, so far we have seen an increase in hours sold from 1900 hours to above 2300 hours. Our staff is proud of the set up as they are able to deliver a quality ice surface to customers consistently and our user groups were amazed and are proud to call it home. After the upgrades we have exceeded our “standard” of ice, and did it with operational cost savings!

Steve Trepanier
Arena Manager, Rochester Ice Arena
Location: Rochester Ice Arena, Rochester, NH


Preferred Mechanical

Preferred Mechanical

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